Relax and Unwind With a Yoga Eye Pillow

Relax and Unwind With a Yoga Eye Pillow

Eyes and the surrounding area often hold a lot of stress, anxiety and tiredness. Simply closing and resting your eyes and allowing your awareness to turn inwards invites your mind and body to follow.

You can give your eyes, body and mind a well deserved break with the aid of a yoga eye pillow. The soft gentle pressure of the eye pillow helps to release tension in and around the eyes.

Yoga Eye Pillow Benefits

  • Savasana tool for Yoga
  • Perfect preparation for meditation
  • Helps you to relax and de-stress by turning your focus inwards
  • Calms and slows your breathing
  • Offers relief from head pressure, headaches or sinus pressure
  • Invites deeper sleep
  • Soothing effect for tired eyes from spending too long on the computer
  • Great for traveling (easily fits into your carry-on)

Perfect Times to Enjoy Your Eye Pillow

Use while lying down for 5 minutes on your couch, bed or office floor. Perfect for Savasana or ‘corpse pose’ as restorative yoga posture.

Deepen Your Relaxation Experience

  • Gently place your yoga eye pillow over your eyes
  • Part your lips slightly to release any tension/tightness in jaw and teeth.
  • Soften and broaden your tongue.
  • Relax all facial muscles.
  • Stop squinting, clenching your jaw or pursing your lips.
  • Stay cozy by covering yourself with a blanket and/or wearing socks.

Find out how to use yoga poses for migraine relief and more on how to relax and unwind with a yoga eye pillow

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